Twittering on about stuff?

It's been a busy few weeks at the Continuity Forum!  
The new ISO22301 is with us and the Forum is busily putting our Webinars together, busily putting our breakfast briefings together, busily... You get the picture.  Busy.
But that leads me to thinking about conversations this week.  Everyone is fraught keeping up with the latest information, whether on standards or on other business developments.  It's the 21st Century, and I can no longer avoid becoming a member of the  Twitteratti, and have signed up not only to Twitter, but also to the idea of researching best Twitter/continuity practice.  
This is fine; while I'm not au fait with the technology, I am good at research, and working with the Bang folks, we'll be putting together a working group to help others, like me, who have found themselves behind the game.  It's an unusual position for me to find myself in; I'm used to being the one sharing the learning, not doing the learning, but that in itself is useful to me, to Forum partners and members, and to the wider world.  
Laura Meadows will be working on this, through Bang, and we're currently planning the most effective way to get this process started.  The plan is to review how to make best use of Twitter, in terms of the technology - how to use hash tags in the best way, and so on - through to how to ensure that the organisational message is best put across, plus, most importantly, how NOT to do it.  There are pitfalls to be avoided, and we'll be getting input from people and organisations who are already well known and well respected for their approaches.  
We'll also be looking at those who've done it... Less successfully, and learning from their experiences. 
Watch  this space.  And indeed, follow me on Twitter, as I share our progress! 

How exciting!