Working with Counter Terrorism Security Advisers

Counter-terrorism security advisers work with businesses and the community to identify and assess sites that may be vulnerable to terrorist or extremist attack.

They also work with trade organisations and professional bodies to ensure counter-terrorism protective security advice is incorporated in general crime prevention advice and guidance.

Businesses should contact their local CTSA for advice and support. 

Working with businesses

CTSAs work with businesses to: *devise and develop appropriate protective security plans to minimise impact on their sites and the surrounding community *explain the threats from terrorism and advise on resilience 

CTSAs are trained in specialist areas and can provide advice and guidance on: * explosives and precursor chemicals * pathogens and toxins * radiological sources * site and vulnerable point surveying * integrated security systems * designing out vehicle borne terrorism * threat from CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) attack 

They are also responsible for the protective security of crowded places (areas where there may be large crowds who could be vulnerable to terrorist attack) for example shopping centres, sporting stadia, pubs and bars or transport hubs.

CTSAs can also advise on the following initiatives.

Project Revise

Project Revise aims to highlight the potential misuse of hazardous materials to those who legitimately and routinely use them, in particular the academic community.

Project revise is a multi-media package which is facilitated by CTSAs. If you require further information about the package or would like to arrange an event please contact your local police CTSA

Project Argus

Project Argus is a suite of workshop-based events designed to inform and advise senior management in preparing a response to a serious events such as a terrorist attack at crowded places such as Shopping Centres, Major Events, Health Sector, Night Time Economy, and Hotels.

Project Griffin

Project Griffin aims to engage, encourage and enable members of the community to work in partnership with the police to deter, detect and counter terrorist activity and crime.

Project Griffin seeks to enlist the help and support of individuals or groups responsible for the safety and security of buildings, businesses, districts or neighbourhoods.

Contact your CTSA