Practical Business Continuity Event - DSM Peterborough


Practical Business Continuity

6th March 2013

This event has been designed for professionals with responsibility for Business Continuity Management within their organisations to find out more about the solutions available to enhance and develop their procedures, whether in the initial stages of planning or well established and tested.

Human Aspects of Business Continuity - Free Event 29th March

The Human Aspects of Business Continuity - 29th March 2012
A special full day seminar from the Continuity Forum and DSM 
being held on 29th March in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.
When a crisis hits an organisation, the Business Continuity focus is often placed on the physical recovery of infrastructure and the restart and protection of critical processes.  Its a stressfull business and to achieve this effectively you need your team to be in tip top shape, yet crises can come in many flavours that frequently cause real issues for the people you are counting on. How they react and cope is vital to your recovery!  
Understanding how the Human Factors in crisis interact with your management planning is key to ensure your organisation gets back to work quickly and effectively.
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