natural disaster

Former FEMA Exec advocates all hazards approach to Business Continuity in wake of tornados

The dozens of tornadoes that ripped through the Southern States of the US in 2011 left 340 people dead and hundreds unaccounted for, according to the latest reports from the Associated Press.
In what is one of the worst natural disasters to hit the region since Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the storms have people and businesses scrambling to recover from the incredible devastation. But is it even possible for businesses and employees to prepare for a catastrophe of this scale? 

Flight Chaos poses serious Business Continuity challenges


The Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajoekull erupted on the 14th April hurling a plume of ash high into the atmosphere and grounding flights affecting nearly seven million travellers. 
Within hours of the decision to ground planes businesses started to count the cost with peoples travel plans collapsing and many becoming effectively stranded. The impact of the volcanic eruption is already being estimated as costing airlines £130million per day, although rail, ferry and some hotel operators are reporting massive increases in business as alternative arrangements are sought. 
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