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Security and the Health Sector
This guidance has been developed to assist the health sector in addressing a range of security issues relating to possibility of a terrorist attack to a crowded place within their site. The advice provided in this booklet is built on knowledge, learning and best practice developed between the National Counter Terrorism Security Office, health sector security professionals including the NHS Counter Fraud and Security Management Service (NHS England), and representatives from the devolved health care administrations across the UK.
Our aim is to make the Health Sector a safe and secure place to work and visit, thus enabling the experts at these sites to provide the highest possible standard of clinical care to for all patients. However, there is a threat of terrorist attacks in the UK, which may affect Health Care sites directly or indirectly. These may not be just a physical attack but interference with vital information, communication systems or personnel issues, which could cause serious disruption, economic impact or damage to reputation.
As part of their security regime, all health care sites should conduct regular reviews of their facilities to ensure proportionate security measures are in place. Each review should consider any new threats and developments to the health sites and the surrounding area.
Any security measure to prevent a terrorist attack will also feed into general crime prevention measures and business continuity which will ensure that health care sites can cope with an incident while also continuing with their core activities. Having a robust security culture and being better prepared will reassure patients, staff and visitors and the wider community that your health care sites are taking such issues seriously.
Security personnel working in the health sector should bring this guidance to the attention of all relevant colleagues, these are likely to include Estates, Facilities, Health and Safety, and Human Resource Managers.
Although each health care site will have its own particular requirements, the guidance provides clear generic advice addressing the key security issues in relation to the current terrorist threat includes a number of useful Good Practice checklists.
The guidance provided can be supplemented by specific advice from Counter Terrorism Security Advisers that can be reached though your local Police force or by following links provided on the CTSA CONTACT page.