The Continuity Forum provides a wide range of events covering all aspects of Business Continuity Management and related disciplines such as security, risk, resilience and crisis management.

Many of our events are provided FREE to members of the Forum and many more are free to non members through our PUBLIC AWARENESS PROGRAMME. You will find no better value anywhere.

In some cases the Continuity Forum may jointly develop and promote events in conjunction with other organisations. These events may have different Cancellation Conditions and you will be notified of these on Registration. Bookings are strictly allocated on a first come first served basis, firstly to our MEMBERS and Partners, then to all others.

NO BOOKING is confirmed until you have received a BOOKING CONFIRMATION from the Continuity Forum.

Once the booking confirmation has been sent you are liable for any fees due. A member booking is dependent on membership status at the time of the event. In the event that membership lapses or is not renewed for any reason the Continuity Forum reverses the right to charge an additional £150 per booking to reflect the loss of the membership benefits and privileges.   

In the event needing to cancel at SHORT NOTICE (less than 21 working days) please notify the Continuity Forum as soon as possible HERE!.

Phoning and leaving a voicemail is not enough! YOU MUST EMAIL US!

It is a CONDITION of Booking that you are agreeing to a Cancellation Fee should you fail to attend ANY event once a BOOKING CONFIRMATION has been sent and you provide less than 21 working days notice. THIS CONDITION APPLIES TO FREE EVENTS, partner events and ALL Non-Members.

For chargeable events Full Fees will be levied for any cancellation received less than 21 working days before the event and 50% for cancellations recieved 28 days before. Delegate substitution is both allowed and encouraged.

From time to time we MAY need to either relocate or revise event dates or schedules, if this occurs then the above condition will not apply. Any booking recieved will be transfered to the new date or the booking cancelled.

We make a charge for non-attendance as the space could have benefited another member, partner or organisation. For our free events a fee of £95.00 is charged. The Continuity Forum has provided FREE EVENTS to literally thousands of people and organisations around the country. Our events are renowned for their quality and professional content.

We charge for non-attendance only AFTER a delegate has requested and received a CONFIRMED BOOKING for a free event. Their failure to use the space allocated adds to our costs and impact on the abilities of other to benefit from our services.

However, as both a gesture of GOODWILL and to encourage you to join us, the Continuity Forum may offer NON-MEMBERS the chance to offset the FIRST NON ATTENDANCE FEE against MEMBERSHIP OF THE CONTINUITY FORUM.

Thank you

Continuity Forum