Non Membership fees

The Continuity Forum is primarily a membership organization, but certain services can be provided on an adhoc basis without formal membership in place. Our unique spectrum of knowledge can enable organizations to save thousands.  Our research and executive briefings better inform management on industry development and issues and provides a flexible and adaptive option that makes the most of your executives time. 
The services we can provide range from consulting through training to research. The scope and content of adhoc assignments are agreed in advance based on a specification or brief that details all aspects of the project.
No other organization provides the Continuity Forums level of service or our range of expertise and knowledge.
Below we have outlined a few previous engagements to illustrate how you use our services, but it is always best to discuss your needs in detail.
Strategic Consulting
The client was developing a new range of products and services to complemwnt their existing customer base and help them penetrate new markets.  We help assess the services they had detailed and undertook a 'market test' to assess 'market fit'.  Time was of the essence and within three weeks the board were presented with the results that highlighted a number of critical factors that would have negatively affect the new service launch.  The board acted on 7 of our 9 recomendations.  The result was that through early marketing of the new services to current customers 46% of the initial key target group (50) purchased the new services with 4 months, with a further 20% commiting in the following 3 months.  In terms of new business the company added 15 new clients within 3 months of the launch. The sales conversion rate for the revised new services exceeded the companies initial expectation by more 200%.  
Our client needed to develop its risk and continuity management activities across a complex organization.  The challenge faced posed numerous internal management difficulties particularly with the relationships with the other divisional stakeholders.  The Continuity Forum was able to work alongside the client to explore the options and create a structure and engagement that increased the reach and capabilities of the team while also increasing the levels of commitment and support seen in the other lines of business.
The results helped increase the producutivity of the team without increasing the headcount.  Further, internal feedback showed higher levels of satisfaction with their internal stakeholders.
Problem solving 
Our client works in a regulated sector with extensive legal and regulatory compliance issues.  Financial pressures across the organziation led to staff downsizing and a loss of internal expertise.
Working with the Continuity Forum enabled the group to realign how it worked across the organization and introduced a new framework of services.  The framework provided a clear direction that better supported both it's compliance and regulatory needs, but it went further and added new services oriented on the needs and actitivites of internal stakeholders.  This highlighted the value of the core services provided and brought better transparency to the internal stakeholder. Internal billing rose by over 90% and the pressure on the budgets eased enabling further recruitment with 8 months.  This client is now in the final stages of certification for ISO 22301:2012.
Adhoc Day rate Fees
Please note it is nearly always more cost effective to join the Continuity Forum rather than use our services on an adhoc basis.
Ad-hoc day rate services are provided below:
Desk Research - £600/day (plus calling expenses) 
Field Research - £800/day
In House Training £2000/day (up to 12 delegates)
Consulting and Executive Briefing Rates
   Consultant Rate - £800/day
   Senior Consultant - £1200/day
   Consulting Director by special arrangement
Project fees are calculated based on the Specification or Brief.  Our project fees are extremely competitive and we urge you to contact us directly to discuss your requirements.    
Speaker fees
Our fees for Speaking at your event will vary dependent on the topic and the alignment with our policy development goals.  Where the topic fits well with our aims and there is open access to the event no speaker fees will be charged.
Commercial event speaker fees will usually vary depending on your detailed needs, but usually start from £250 plus expenses. 
Significant consessions on our fees are available for Charties and NGO's. 
Special Public Sector Membership is available to most Central and Local government bodies on an inclusive basis that offers tremendous value.
Significant consessions on our fees are available for Charties, NGO's and 3rd Sector Groups or membership organisations. 
Expenses will be charged at the following rates unless otherwise agreed in writing at the time of engagement. 
Public Transport (including taxi's if required) - Ticket price plus 15% plus a £10 administration fee on the total.
Mileage is charged at 45p per mile (based on the start and endpoints of travel)
Travel time is charged at 33% of hourly day rate.
Fees and terms are agreed on the date of assignment and can only be varied with the written agreement of the Continuity Forum.